Sunday, September 6, 2009

Seventeen for Serious

According to Seventeen Magazine, you don't actually have to know a guy to determine his kissing prowess - you just have to WATCH him. I find this information very appealing. Why would I want to waste time getting to know a guy when I could just stalk him? Answer: I wouldn't. So tomorrow, my co-blogger and I will track down good kissers using only our keen powers of observation.

The purported signs of a fine smoocher:

1.) Dancing skillz.

2.) ChapStick (r) user.

3.) "Takes his time." (?)

4.) Gum addict. (Eww.)


1.) iPod (r) and speakers.

2.) Stopwatch.

3.) Gum.

4.) Notebook.

Let the games begin!

Our fine Seventeen information came from:
Metz, Lauren. "Sneaky Ways to Tell... He's a Good Kisser."Seventeen Magazine June 2009: 82. Print.

As ever, we are fans of:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, this is good to know. I might have to start my own smoocher-stalking now O:)

Although...gum chewing? Really? >.< Reasonable point, though. Gives the mouth some exercise ;)

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